For us to compile written works that celebrate this wonderful region we call home, we need to cover the costs of printing and distribution. Putting the words together is free, organising the contributed words into a semblance of readable form can be done with love from our volunteers, but the tasks needed to get the words out into other people’s hands needs hard cash.
Our small community writers’ group has big plans for 2023 and beyond to publish the stellar works of members and to give back to the area by creating works by/for/about them. You can help us do that and all it takes is literally a minute of your time. Hop on the link below, scroll down until you see Port Writers and click on the ‘vote’ button. That’s it. No email required. No blood donation from your first-born. No penalty if you don’t vote. And when you do vote, you get the satisfaction of knowing you played a part in helping a vital community group to do its thing for others. That small sacrifice of yours may land us some much-needed funding money granted by Greater Bank, Mid North Coast Region.
Thanks in advance … oh … and it would be super cool if you could remember to click that vote button once every hour of your waking day. The more votes wins.