2023 WRITING COMPETITION ... Closing Soon ... Details here
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Memoir with Kim Hodges – March 26

    kim hodges memoir port macquarie

    PORT WRITERS brings successful memoirist, Kim Hodges, to workshop all about memoir.

    The idea of writing down your memories sounds great.

    But then it can become daunting: where do you start? how do you start? what do you include? what do you leave out? what about other people and their reactions? how do I write it? does it have to be entertaining? is it just a chronicle? … so many questions…

    The good news is – we have a lot of the answers. Join us in Port Macquarie for a live, in-person event where Kim will explain how she came to write not one, but three memoirs, and she may not be finished yet! Practical, useful information will be shared.

    Grab pen and paper and get some preliminary writing down to get you on your way to making sense of your life (or someone else’s)… exclusive exercises for our members and guests.

    Date: Saturday March 26

    Time: 1.00pm-4pm

    Location: Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie

    BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL due to following health guidelines for the venue and for catering a light afternoon tea. The location and other details will be provided after booking – use the email below.

    Alternatively, you can book in here – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/memoir-with-kim-hodges-tickets-292965827677